Tuesday, March 25, 2014

In the oven?

Today, I'm trying hard "boiled" eggs in the oven. Since Easter baskets and egg hunts are looming, I figured this one was festively appropriate...which is SO unusual for me!

I've seen this one all over Pinterest and the internet for years and just never had the time to try it...until now.

So after lots of research and comment reading on Pinterest and other places, I decided to use a silicone muffin pan with a pizza sheet underneath it for support going into and out of the oven. This pin was the one I used to reference cooking times and temperatures for this experiment.

Preheat oven to 325° and cook eggs in shells straight from fridge for 30 minutes. Remove promptly from oven and pan (with tongs!) and put into ice bath for 10 minutes or until completely cool.

(I only did 6 eggs in the center of the muffin pan, as I did not want to waste an entire dozen of eggs if this completely flops!)

Remove from ice bath. Completely dry the eggs and begin breaking the shells from the ends first then around the sides. 

Result: I really found this method very easy and a lot less messy than the traditional boiling on the stovetop method.

Peeling was significantly easier but I have yet to find a perfect way to peel the egg after boiling. Maybe not all eggs are created equal! ;-)

 I did use my 6 hard "boiled" eggs for egg salad, not because of how they looked but because that was what I wanted today.

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